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Create CWL workflows by writing a simple Python script.


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What scriptcwl can do for you

  • Create CWL workflows without learning CWL or YAML
  • Make workflows by programming
  • Design workflows interactively in Jupyter notebooks

Scriptcwl is a Python package for creating Common Workflow Language (CWL) workflows by writing a Python script instead of manually typing YAML or using a GUI. To work with scriptcwl, you need to give it a bunch of CWL CommandLineTools. Then you subsequently specify the workflow inputs, steps, and workflow outputs, and save the result to a file. This can be done interactively in a Jupyter notebook. A scriptcwl script to generate a workflow provides a concise and transparent representation of your workflow; one that is much more readable than YAML.

Programming languages
  • Python 78%
  • Common Workflow Language 22%
  • Apache-2.0
</>Source code

Participating organisations

Netherlands eScience Center
University of Twente


  • 1.
    A Tool for Flexible and Transparent Text Processing Pipelines
    Published in 2017


Contact person

Janneke van der Zwaan

Janneke van der Zwaan

Netherlands eScience Center
Mail Janneke
Atze van der Ploeg
Netherlands eScience Center
Ben de Vries
Netherlands eScience Center
Bouwe Andela
Bouwe Andela
Netherlands eScience Center
Janneke van der Zwaan
Janneke van der Zwaan
Netherlands eScience Center
Lourens Veen
Lourens Veen
Netherlands eScience Center
Ronald van Haren
Ronald van Haren
Netherlands eScience Center
Stefan Verhoeven
Stefan Verhoeven
Netherlands eScience Center

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